NABL Certified Standard Weight Box & Individual Weights (OIML-R-111)
- OIML-R-111-2004 standard
- Weight box & individual weights
- Range - 1mg to 50kg
- Class - E1, E2, F1, F2, M1
- Accessories : Forcep, Glove, Cotton
- Presentation : - For E1 Class : Weight Set Supplied with Foam Packing in polished Aluminum Box weights up to 20 kg
- For E2 Class : Weight Set Supplied with Foam Packing in polished Aluminum/Plastic Box weights up to 20 kg
- For F1/F2 Class : Weight Set Supplied with Foam Packing in polished Aluminum/Plastic Box weights up to 20 kg - Certificate Provide from NABL accredited Laboratory
- Constructions : 1 mg to 500 mg - Solid Single Piece, leaf type / 1 gm to 20 kg - Solid cylindrical knob type, mirror finished / 20 kg to 50 kg - Solid cylindrical with round handle in top (F2 & M1 Class)